It begins with what I believe was Obama's 2008 acceptance speech then begins to show footage of a Tea Party rally (which is conveniently called a tea party). He interviewed tea partiers, an expert on propaganda and went undercover to a rally to show how the Tea Party was trying to influence public opinion.
The mood of this film was relatively personal, because it was from the filmmakers perspective. He was the narrator and also the main character. It gave the sense that he was going on a journey, and that the viewer was just along for the ride. This theme was also symbolized though the repeated road imagery.
The sound track was very good in this film, he used a lot of sound clips from Fox news and there was no ambient sound during the interviews that would have been distracting. It would have been better if he had included some music throughout, but I do not believe that was overall necessary.
I enjoyed how he personally went undercover and acted like a tea party supporter. It was interesting to see how he handled the situation and not reveal himself.
I am not sure whether or not I would recommend this documentary to others. It would most certainly insult conservatives, but I am not sure if even my liberal friends would enjoy the confusing message of the documentary. It was rather disjointed and confusing at times. It had random shots of the filmmaker driving, which perhaps was meant to serve as a transition between parts, but it seemed random and distracted from the main idea.
My main problem with this documentary is that it tries to argue its point, but it never fully provides evidence or explains it. It also completely glosses over the fact that people do choose to be tea partiers. If the filmmaker had instead focused on incidences where the tea party's billionaires had hired people to feign support, then the documentary would be more powerful. Short answer: I would not recommend it.
In the film he used this overly complicated chart to explain how all the super pacs and Tea Partiers are connected. It left more questions than answers, to be honest.

The Billionaires' Tea Party 54 min. 1/5 stars