Friday, November 23, 2012

NaNoWriting: Start to Finish or ADHD Madness?

Ok, so there are probably a million ways to write a novel.   I am going to focus on two.
Way One: Write that novel from start to finish, from beginning to end, getting that whole plot arc there on the page in the correct order.  (this probably is what some 'planners' do for nanowrimo).  The problem with this is that you could have writers block and be stuck unable to move forward.  If you have it planned out though, this might be a whole lot easier.

Way Two: My way.  Throw every single idea onto the page whenever it suits you.  Write that scene from the middle first? Sure.  I pretty much end up writing a few main scenes here and there when the idea strikes me, then just fill in the blanks later. (pantsing ftw) I am terrified of having to edit it and go in and write the boring parts in between the interesting bits.  The problem with this is that you end up with these chunks that just have endless space in between them.  (it is like actual space! chunks of matter with huge gaps of emptiness in between)

I suppose it really does not matter how you write the novel, but that you write it at all.  Right now I am avoiding writing, so I am procrastinating on my nano by blogging about my nano.  Now that I think about it, that probably is not the best idea.

Happy Thanksgiving/ Black Friday!

One more thing:
I did it! I am over halfway to 50k! 25,000+ words! Whoohooo!  (Yep, I have about 7 days left.  Yeah, I am around 11k words behind.  But that is unimportant!)

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